Greetings and welcome, this is an important message for current times.The coming of Christ is a theme amongst some newer denominations that relates to his future judgement of the world. It is more so amongst those churches that are not in the Christian mainstream.
What do we actually know about Jesus's return to the world as it is referred to several times?Actually very little is understood, which is why myths about Jesus's imminent return have played out frequently for almost 2,000 years. And we appear to still be guessing, brought on by remorse that accompanies disasters and horrible threats in the world that threaten dire destruction, for example past black death plagues that were far worse than the current Covid 19. So is it ending soon and does God want us to know about it?.One serious contribution to the confusion is the widespread misunderstanding of the word apocrypha in Revelations that is now meaning destruction, in the modern world, but it's not what was originally understood in Greek. We know that over centuries the meanings of some words have changed. But the threat of climate change and the threat of world war accompanied by nuclear destruction are worries now, leading to predictions of Christ's return yet again. Surely God may save his creation not destroy it because it has not yet attained his plan? If we read 1 Thessalonians chapter 4:15-18 and 15; 8-11, written by Paul, we may get a better idea and rid ourselves of fear. It's surprising what we find in the bible when we read it. But it also needs attention too for a discernment of understanding. We cannot rely upon literal interpretations, rather be awake to veiled messages. God may speak to us if we open up the channel with sincere efforts. And the bible is for believers not written for unbelievers
Now keeping to the practical as far as possible we shift to another matter, that is our submission to and love of God we profess. This we practice by keeping the church as the earthly home of God. And we both praise God and glorify him in his house when we enter it, by keeping it holy and sacred, free from the profane at all times, that is the earthly matters that do not belong there. We open up to the Holy Spirit there through a communal outpouring of devotion and love of Jesus.
Blessings to all.