Bulletin 8: Jesus Said “I AM”
This has been prepared for the Spearwood congregation and others learning about Christianity or wanting to reconnect with the church. You are invited to attend Sunday worship at 330 Rockingham Road, Spearwood at 9.30 AM.
The words I AM were used several times by Jesus in the New Testament to identify himself as part of the Godhead (Trinity).The Jews also used the words, I AM very significantly to refer to Jehovah, following Moses' statements on the Ten Commandments of God. They plotted to kill Jesus as they considered that He had blasphemed against God. Jesus said " By grace I AM that I AM has sent", thus intimately identifying himself with God (Ex 3 14). He also said "Be as I AM" (Galatians 4:12) meaning that he is the same identity as God.
Meaning that His teachings are totally reliable, truthful and of Divine source Jesus said, "I AM, the way, the truth and the life". In 1 Peter 1:14, He provides a glorious inheritance when He said, " To an inheritance, incorruptible, and undefiled, and that does not fade away [is] reserved in Heaven for you."In John 14:2 a secure place of residence is offered at transition, "In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Concerning the inescapable question about Christ's personal identity, Jesus asked the disciples on the coast of Caesarea Philippi: "Whom do men say that I AM the Son of man, am (Matt 16:13).And they said, "Some say that you are John the Baptist, some Elias; others Jeremias or one of the prophets.'' {In ancient times there was a widespread belief in reincarnation}. see v 14.
He said to them, "But whom do YOU say that I AM ?" The disciple Peter expressed his opinion in Matthew 16:16, "And Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."The meaning of this 'living God' was the communicable God of the monotheists, in distinction to the many popular Gods of the Romans and Greeks. Those were handmade with stone, precious metals or other material that cannot talk or offer response to prayers or supplications of any kind.Jesus said " I AM the alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."- thus the totality of all existence.I hope that this is helpful to you.
Blessings to all, AMEN.
Stuart R.Dunstan