Bulletin 13: Pentecost


Pentecost is one of the colourful celebrations in the church with the bright red colours and lovely dress of the congregation, on that day This year, it is on Sunday 23 of May 2021. Do you know what it's all about? Let me tell you, but then you can also see it yourself at church.

You are invited to participate with others at the service beginning at 9.30 AM at Spearwood Uniting Church, 330 Rockingham Road, Spearwood, followed by a social morning tea. There's no need to be a regular attender of nay church. Pentecost meaning- the 50th day after First Fruits in Jewish tradition. It's called Whit Sunday in the U.K and Ireland. Also the Feast of weeks and the Feast of 50 days or the Festival of Shavuot in the rabbinical tradition. Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles in the upper room in the second chapter of Acts: 42,44,46. Historically Pentecost is the day on which the Christian Church actually started as beforehand, after Christ's ascension, there were followers of Jesus, but no movement that can be called 'the church'. Jesus said I will build my church of God: Revelation 12:9,11 and Corinthians 4:4. The first known use of Pentecost was in the 12th century. The beliefs connected with Pentecost are:

*Salvation- sins can be forgiven through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection

*Baptism with the Holy Spirit -it's an important aspect

*Divine Healing

*Eschatology- Christians centre on Jesus in anticipation of the future Kingdom of God, usually a redemptive history.

*Spiritual Gifts - that are gifted to people having received the Holy Spirit.

John 19-20, I have chosen you out of this world.

The relevance of Pentecost has much to do with our beliefs, especially we need to get a long way past a belief, just that God exists. Indeed we should build a relationship through Christ that benefits us greatly and glorifies God.

PENTECOSTALISM has become significant in modern times with a surging belief in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, such as the Gifts of Tongues and Divine Healing-also the belief in "the end times", largely coming with a shift from a 'lukewarm' to 'hot' attitude.

Here I end this bulletin.

Blessings to all

- srd




Bulletin 12: Opening the mind - Avoiding Indifference.