Greetings to everyone. It's an important message so please include it in your reflections. Briefly I outline some issues, one being the problem of Christianity being based on Historical events, making Christianity open to investigation and validation. Readers should make their own inquiries, given there is much undeserved disbelief in Australia, arising from ignorance since childhood. Not all other religions are able to be validated in the unique manner of Christianity, both by internal evidence and the external sources of some non-believers. So where is the solid evidence that stands up to scrutiny? We will look at internal evidence here.There is the criterion of multiple attestation, for example, the claims of Luke and Mark, arising in agreement after Jesus' lifetime. There are also a few additions from non-Christian sources that do validate Christian claims. Luke was a contemporary of eyewitnesses of Jesus, so he had the contacts to cross reference on what happened, miracles such as the restorations to life. Luke used investigative language and has a reference to secular history during the Roman occupation in the first century.When there is suspicion of elite historical sources, the status of Luke's sources is considered good as he used non-elite writing style, suitable for all. The historic reliability of Christian sources stands out against many sceptical assumptions, especially in Australia where sometimes religious expression is denied (not only for Christians).The far reaching influence of Christ's teachings over centuries, His ethical and moral teachings clearly forms a very significant part of His public ministry. Evidence comes from the numerous parables and his prayers such as the Lord's prayer, that are still relevant today. See Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus' most significant claims are his resurrection and his divinity. Christians accept these claims and worship Jesus as their risen Lord who is intimately related to God, his Father, as he declares. And we know how Jesus' social life and death are related to Him being the Saviour We acknowledge Jesus' miraculous healing and that He claimed to be the Christ. There is much more that you can do by reading the Bible, especially the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Another practical matter is the vital initial call of God to us as individuals, a most SIGNIFICANT event that is unique for everyone We can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit; yet sometimes we may need to be reminded to go beyond the mundane, beyond the mental analysis and earnestly search with our hearts for the Holy Spirit. That of course is not always easy, it may take some practice for full attunement. Often it helps to play some sacred music and to concentrate through prayer; others will find that a heartfelt bible reading will help them. We are individualized so different ways may apply to us. ALL SINCERE EFFORTS WILL BE REWARDED BECAUSE GOD WANTS OUR VERY GOOD RELATIONSHIP.I conclude with 3 bIblical quotes.Luke 1:2-4 NIV, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eye witness and servants of the word, 3 Therefore since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of things you have been taught.Mark 16: 14-16 NIV, later Jesus appeared to those who were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after He had risen 15, He said to them,"Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16, Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."Luke 4: 36 NIV, All the people were amazed... "What is this teaching? With authority and power, he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out !”.

I will finish here and please reflect upon this.

Blessings to you, AMEN.





Bulletin 13: Pentecost