Greetings. Christians know that we are saved through Christ when we have a most sincere reversal of a very bad attitude of sinfulness and bring it to our Lord in true penitence, even though God loves all of us and is merciful. Briefly this can be explained through numerous bible passages. The term JUSTIFICATION is sometimes used. Its meaning is to make valid, to absolve, to vindicate, to set right. It's a reversal of God's attitude to the sinner because of his/her relation in Christ (or God) is much improved through their efforts, and the sinner is declared to be free from guilt and the consequences of sin (Romans 4:6-8, Romans 5:18-19, 8: 33-34, 2 Corinthians 5:19-21. It is an example of God's mercy towards his children. It is a remissive act where God remits the sin of man, and a restorative act where the forgiven sinner is restored to favour, through the imputation of Christ's righteousness (Romans 5:11, Galatians 3:6, 1 Corinthians 1:30 ZondervanWe have as an example of King David when after much praying, (see the Psalms.) God's adverse judgement on him was reversed because of a positive turnaround of David. Take special note that an active and positive relationship with God is needed, that is a hot attitude, not luke- warm or cold. Faith is the condition of justification and the condition by which the meritorious work of Christ is apprehended.. Sufficient work of Christ atoning for man is his redeeming work upon the cross (Zondervan). I hope this helps explain the term of justification. Another explanation of the term TO THE GLORY OF GOD follows:These words are amongst the most important in Christendom, most significant when spoken sincerely and reverently. I say to the unbelievers if there were no God there would be no world, nor a universe as He is the divine creator. There could not be any life- for God, not science, supports this. Without God, our creator and sustainer there would be a complete void as expressed in 1 Genesis, before the world was created. Mankind that has an intelligence, a conscience and a spiritual nature would not have been created. Man is a soul with a body and also has a spirit (1 Corinthians 2:11), the moral nature that makes him religious and gives him a conscience. The woman is the glory of man (i Corinthians 11:7) that is the finest human expression, I believe. Blessings to all